Local July 14, 2016 | 1:27 pm

US Coast Guard, Dominican agents seize 10 bales of drugs, arrest 3

Santo Domingo.- The Coast Guard and the Dominican antinarcoticsagency (DNCD) seized 10 bales of drugs on a boat in international waters, and arrestedtwo Colombians and a Venezuelan, who were taken to DNCD headquarters.

Colombians Adrian Castro 42, and Oyala Robinson, 48, andVenezuelan Jan Manuel Vizcaino, 31, were detained Wednesday around 250 nauticalmiles from the Dominican coast, a type 28 foot boat Go Fast.

“Noting the presence of the authorities the three SouthAmericans threw the bales with the drug overboard, which were later recovered,”the DNCD said on its website.

It said the drug came from Colombia with the United States asits final destination.

After booking at DNCD headquarters the foreigners weretransferred to San Isidro Airbase of the Dominican Air Force, where they werehanded over to DEA agents and escorted to the US.

“The collaboration of the DNCD formed part of the current cooperationagreements between the Dominican agency and the DEA,” the agency said, but didn’tspecify the drug’s weight.

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