Local August 24, 2016 | 12:59 pm

Hurricane Center: Low pressure area 60% chance will become cyclone

Miami.- The National Hurricane Center is issuing advisorieson an area of low pressure near theLeeward Islands, which has a 60% chance of becoming a cyclone.

“An Air Force Reconnaissance aircraft currently investigatingthe broad low pressure area and tropical wave near the northern Leeward Islandshas found winds to tropical storm force in a few squalls near the northernmostLeeward Islands,” the NHC said on its website.

Is said squalls to tropical storm force can be expectedover the extreme northern Leeward Islands and portions of the northern U.S. andBritish Virgin Islands this afternoon. “The reconnaissance aircraft mission is ongoingto determine whether or not a tropical cyclone has formed.”

“Although environmental conditions are currently onlymarginally conducive for additional development, this system could become a tropicaldepression or tropical storm at any time during the next few days while itmoves west-northwestward at about 15 mph across the northern Leeward Islands,near or over Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, and the Bahamas,” the agency said in anadvisory signed by forecaster Brown.

It adds that strong winds, heavy rains, and possible flash floodsand mudslides are expected to occur over portions of the Leeward Islands,Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, and the southeastern and central Bahamas. “Formationchance through 48 hours…medium…60 percent. Formation chance through 5days…high…80 percent.”

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