New Customs chief warns smugglers, tax dodgers; reveals 20% revenue jump

Santo Domingo.- Customs director Enrique Ramirez onThursday warned he’ll combat smuggling, tax evasion, undervaluation and otherunfair trade practices in customs, by working with the the sectors linked to commerce.
In a meeting with the heads of the Dominican Republic IndustriesAssociation (AIRD), Ramirez said he would work with all sectors related to commerceto eliminate unfair business practices and expedite customs clearanceprocesses.
He revealed that Customs revenue jumped 20% in the firstweeks of his administration, attributing the increase to measures applied sincetaking office.
"The increase in revenue in the first 20 days since arrivingin Customs is a positive sign that we’ll improve with the relaunch and strengtheningof areas and programs such as certifications of Authorized Economic Operators,the Logistics Centers, the one-stop window and other important aspects that betterplace Dominican customs compared to other administrations in the region,"the official said.
Ramirez added that Customs, as a tax-collection agency,always seeks efficiency, not only in collecting duties based on the laws, butalso on expediting files and reducing the time related to the customs clearanceof merchandise. "All the tools that we will apply aim to improveefficiency, transparency and improve revenue, which in the end are going tostate resources and serve to investments and expenditures made by thegovernment."