Local September 14, 2016 | 12:57 pm

Dominican President knows minister is a scammer: NYC group

New York.- Several political organizations on Wednesday demandedthat president Danilo Medina revoke Danilo Diaz’s designation as Sports Minister,calling the appointment "misconceived, which constitutes a mockery and anaffront to the Dominican community in the United States."

The said Diaz’s "business history is well known inthis city and in Dominican also, and it’s not true that president Medina isn’taware of it."

The said Diaz, a senior leader of the ruling party (PLD)"participated in 2015 in one of the most blatant fraud committed againstthe Dominican community in the US, where his company Emproy-Divisa sold homesin the project Pueblo Bavaro, located in the eastern part of the Caribbeancountry, without producing their titles."

"This case was settled in Manhattan County SupremeCourt , which forced Diaz and some other businessmen to return more than US$540,000to dozens of people who had paid for the properties partially or fully,"the group said.

"It wasn’t the only fraud case in which Diaz was embroiled,since in 2011 the company of the senior government official was ordered toreturn $42,000 dollars to two customers, as a result of similar fraudulenttransactions" said the statement signed by Luis M. Rodríguez, Al-País;Radhamés Morales, Fuerza de la Revolución; José González, of Patria para Todosy Todas; Jaime Molbán, Movimiento de Liberación Nacional, and Wilson Spencer,of Corriente Febrerista

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