Local October 25, 2016 | 7:52 am

Officials deny ‘bono-robbery’ on transport’s tax-free fuels

Santo Domingo.- The Government on Mondaydistanced itself from allegations by Fenatrano transport union boss JuanHubieres, that the fuel subsidy to drivers has been a "bono-robbery,"and that it had become cronyism for the ruling party (PLD).

Social Subsidy (ADESS) director Ramon Gonzalezand Beneficiary System (Siuben) director Matilde Chavez said the Industry and CommerceMinistry is in charge of the subsidy on diesel.

Interviewed by newspaper Listin Diario, thegovernment oficials affirm that being a non-focused subsidy, the list ofbeneficiaries had never passed through the Siuben. "We condemn in all itsparts, accusations of embezzlement expressed in the article in question, on thegrounds that they obey baseless allegations, trying to tarnish transparentmanagement and adhering to the principles of morality and ethics."

Hubieres, one of the transport union bossesknown as the "country’s owners" for their often violent strikes that instillfear in the government, revealed that 80% of public transport drivers didn’treceive the fuel subsidy. "This aid became a bono-robbery in the detrimentof the drivers and the Dominican State."

Hubieres said he had denounced the situationfrom the start but received no support from the media.

"That subsidy is managed by the Siuben,which from the start was Susana Gomez and whom I dared to indicate that theproject would end up worse than the Plan Renove (corruption scandal). This aidwas diverted for political cronyism of people who are friends or associates ofthe ruling party."

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