Local December 5, 2016 | 10:27 am

Fair reveals urgent need to protect Hispaniola’s natural resources

Fair reveals need to protect Haiti, Dominicannatural resources

Santo Domingo.- With a call to protect Haitiand Dominican Republic’s natural resources, the VII Binational Ecotourism andProduction Fair, by the Science and Art Foundation was inaugurated in the Haitivillage Las Caobas, 28 kilometers from the Dominican border town Comendador, westernElias Piña province.

"Ecotourism shows are the perfectsetting for calling on municipal and national authorities to enact publicpolicies at the local and national levels that preserve biodiversity andnatural resources, which have the potential to contribute to the development ofthe frontier populations," said Science and Art Foundation presidentJacqueline Boin at ribbon-cutting on Saturday.

She said national policies are neededurgently on land use in a way that will prevent natural phenomena from impactingboth countries and their peoples. "More importantly, policies to preventand reduce disaster risks should be implemented."

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