Local March 7, 2017 | 1:48 pm

In Medina government, another day, another scandal

S. Hoguin, M Tavárez Mirabal. Pjoto elnuevodiario.com.do

Santo Domingo.- Veteran politico Minou Tavárez Mirabal on Monday called Danilo Medina’s administration  full of “boundless and corrupt thieves” who only watch out for themselves and neglect the community’s interests.

She said there’s an effort to sell a false image of Medina because in her view, his behavior has shown the opposite.

Tavárez’s statement comes in the heels of a scandal in the National Competition Defense Commission (Pro Competencia), whose director Yolanda Martínez, in her view, must resign.

Tavárez said if Martinez has dignity she must step aside and not wait for Medina to fire her.

Martinez allegedly circumvented a call for tenders by awarding a RD$1.95 million consultancy contract to a company owned by her spouse Mike Alfonseca.

Interviewed by Salvador Holguín on Teleradio América channel 46, the former minority Opcion Democratica party presidential candidate called the “Green March” grass roots movement emerging across the country “a significant sign that citizens are empowered to end the impunity that prevails in the Dominican Republic with the aim of building democracy.”

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