Local May 2, 2017 | 12:17 pm

South region downpours collapse bridges, wash out roads

President Danilo Medina in San Cristobal

Santo Domingo.-  At least 42 bridges collapsed, 13 roads washed out, 18 country roads damaged and numerous dykes destroyed by the downpours in the south region, the Public Works Ministry reported Monday.

Public Works said it’s tallying the damages to calculate the cost in affected communities in San Cristóbal.

Provinces on alert

The Emergency Operations Center (COE) said most provinces remain under alert for flash flooding, and that 14, 304 people were evacuated from their homes

Meanwhile the National Weather Office (Onamet) forecasts partly cloudy skies with occasional downpours, more frequent and intense in the afternoon and early evening, as the gradually weakening trough continues to affect the country.

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