Local May 4, 2017 | 1:39 pm

Dominican Senate rebukes human rights violation label

Santo Domingo.- The Senate on Wednesday approved a resolution that rebukes Dominican Republic’s inclusion among countries whose human rights violations require special attention, as reported by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in 2016.

The legislative initiative also calls for the Organization of American States (OAS), along with secretary General Luis Almagro and the IACHR, “to proceed to rectify this unfortunate report, since the Dominican Republic has done everything in its power to contribute to improve the humanitarian drama of the neighboring country of Haiti.”

It notes that the IACHR, in the same report, acknowledges the progress and measures taken by the Dominican government and the people regarding human rights, labor rights and solidarity with foreigners, especially Haitian nationals.

“To include the Dominican Republic in the list of countries under chapter IV of the IACHR’s report has been unfounded and contradicts the true situation in Haiti, so the Senate is compelled to reject such a statement.”

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