First responders ready to deal with the hurricane season

Santo Domingo.- The first response agencies grouped in the Emergency Operations Center (COE) are ready to deal with any situation that could emerge during the hurricane season, with 12 storms predicted, of which six could reach the hurricane category.
COE director Juan Manuel Méndez says its protocol readies it for action to avert disasters and loss of lives. “Aside from the internal flow chart, the protocol includes the publication of information so that citizens know what to do before, during and after a storm or hurricane.”
The official said that in addition to the printed newsletters fire the COE Alerts, a website that reaches citizens through smart phones, and was installed with the support of the US Agency for International Development (USAID).
In the interview by the Corripio Media Group, Méndez was accompanied by Gloria Ceballos, director of the National Weather Office; Olgo Fernández, of the dams and canal agency, and Rafael Carrasco, of Civil Defense.