Local July 3, 2017 | 4:24 pm

Jitters? National Palace announces half-a-million security revamp

Protesters at National Palace for Loma Miranda

Santo Domingo.- The Government will spend around RD$22 million (nearly US$0.5 million) to bolster the National Palace’s internal security, deputy administrative minister Leonel Senior affirmed Monday.

The announcement comes in the heels of several major protests held at the National Palace, by groups as diverse as former sugar cane workers demanding pensions, to the Green March movement’s call to end impunity.

Senior spoke during a Monday morning breakfast, where Administrative minister José Ramón Peralta touted his department’s transparency.

“From the Presidency’s Administrative Ministry we launched an offensive for transparency and institutionalism, following the guidelines outlined by president Danilo Medina,” Peralta said.

The official said the project “already well advanced,” aims to improve the National Palace internal security system, and replace some outdated equipment, in coordination with the Presidency’s Security Dept.

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