Local July 11, 2017 | 7:36 pm

More Haitians deported as Dominican troops engage border

Sugar Puittzi Frugis Martínez

Dajabón, Dominican Republic.- As reports of rising arrivals of undocumented Haitian immigrants mounted, the director of the Border Security Corps (Cesfront) heads sweeps along the border area, where foreigners trying to enter Dominican territory have been captured and returned to their country.

Sugar Puittzi Frugis Martínez said the foreigners are being taken to the Cesfront base at Dajabon (northwest) and from there handed over to Immigration inspectors prior to deportation.

The troops utilize all-terrain motorcycles, pickup trucks and other vehicles on patrols in the various towns of the province, where as a result of the heightened operations, Dominican authorities expect to gain stricter control over human trafficking.

Community officials said the operations have prompted some Haitians to hide in the mountains, and try to reach other towns in the northwest.

For Las Clavellinas village elder, Oscar de los Santos, even though some of the foreigners are hiding, he notes that there are fewer of them, as evidenced by the decrease of the dozens of motorcycles which were passing through the community daily.

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