Local August 28, 2017 | 2:04 pm

Top official acknowledges: gang kills cops to steal their guns

C. Amarante. File.

Santo Domingo – Interior and Police minister Carlos Amarante on Sun. acknowledged the presence of a criminal gang which murders police officers and military in Greater Santo Domingo, to steal their service weapons.

He also admitted the “State’s absence” for many years in barrios of the capital and other cities, of which criminals took advantage by providing for its residents’ needs.

As to the recent string of murders, especially in and around the capital, Amarante called the Police investigation quite advanced, including arrests, “but what’s required isn’t to solve the cases, but to prevent them from being committed.”

Interviewed on D’AGENDA, Telesistema Channel 11, the official said the situation requires a joint effort in the capital’s neighborhoods. “I know that there are armed gangs that are dedicated to killing police and military, they are not the first in the area…, who unfortunately die in those conditions.”

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