Local October 30, 2017 | 12:23 pm

89% of Dominicans very alarmed with corruption: Gallup-Hoy

Shadowy Palace

Santo Domingo.- For a vast majority of citizens, 89%, corruption in Dominican society very alarming, according to the latest Gallup-Hoy survey.

Ffor 16%, the cause is lack of jobs, 13% said it’s government mismanagement, 10% said it’s crime, 9% blames it on drug trafficking and consumption, 7% to people’s ambition for money and 6% point to impunity.

Despite the view on corruption, 67% of those polled hope that something can be done to prevent corruption, although 31.4% believe that nothing can be done.

That pessimistic is also noted in the electoral context; two thirds of the population (60.2%) believes that when it comes to voting people don’t care if the candidates are corrupt, compared with 37% which considers that they do care.

N the fight against corruption, the Gallup-HOY poll found that political parties and entities of the justice system are perceived as the worst: 68.6% said the parties confront corruption very badly; 60.6% believe the same of judges; 59.3% of the National Police; 59% of the prosecutors, 58% of the Presidency; 55.7% of the Justice Ministry; 54.3% of Congress and 52.7% of the Supreme Court of.

For 45% of those polled, the Accounts Chamber and the municipalities also perform very badly.

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