Local January 13, 2018 | 5:25 pm

Officials hightail it out of ex con’s properties as locals protest raids

Santo Domingo.- Justice ministry officials had to hightail it out of the coastal town of Paraíso (west), where raids at properties owned by ex con Ernesto Guevara Díaz (Maconi), despite being accompanied by the military, Police and Antinarcotics agents, when residents staged a protest Fri. night.

Sources quoted by Listín Diario said that tree trunks, stone and rubbish were hurled in the middle of the road and power lines were downed, which prompted an electrical fire.

Officials of the Justice Ministry’s Seized Assets Custody Dept., accompanied by local prosecutors and law enforcement authorities went to Guevara’s properties to formally confiscate them.

Guevara has again been arrested on drug trafficking charges, despite serving time for similar felonies in US prisons.

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