Local May 3, 2018 | 12:11 pm

Telecom calls radio frequencies deal ‘totally surreptitious’

Jose del Castillo, Indotel director. File

Santo Domingo.- The telecom services provider Viva on Wed. accused rival Altice of having received 20 MHz of radio spectrum irregularly, in its view assigned in violation the sector’s laws and regulations.

“In a totally surreptitious and irregular manner, in Resolution 77-17 of the Directive Council of the Dominican Telecom Institute (Indotel) that approved Altice’s merger, frequencies 1720-1730 were assigned to it. MHz and 2120-2130 without supposedly going through a bidding process and, more importantly, without paying a penny to the Dominican State for that concept,” said Viva CEO Marco Herrera.

Viva and Altice participated in the tender held April 30, the latter winning by meeting social, economic and rigorous requirements.

Indotel has yet to provide details about the transaction.

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