Local June 5, 2018 | 12:18 pm

Education launches ‘anti-bullying chorus’

Santo Domingo.- Education minister, Andrés Navarro, on Mon. launched the “I join your chorus against bullying” campaign to encourage reflection, awareness and commitment to a culture of peace in schools and in families, to ensure better emotional health and student achievement.

The General Strategy for a Culture of Peace in Schools seeks to become a valuable tool with families and also complies with the agreements reached by the Education Ministry in the National Student Forum for a Culture of Peace held in June last year, with the participation of 360 students from across the country.

“Students, as I stated in the Forum, you deserve to be heard as protagonists in this process of reforms and changes that take place within the framework of the Educational Revolution promoted by our president Danilo Medina. You must be seen as subjects who participate to improve the quality of education. For that reason, your concerns were heard for the elaboration of the agendas of the system,” Navarro said.

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