Local June 25, 2018 | 4:44 pm

Charges against ex-Public Works chief to be rebuffed ‘proof by proof’

V. Diaz Rua on Chavon Bridge. File

Santo Domingo.- The lawyer of former Public Works minister, Víctor Díaz Rúa, on Monday reiterated that 97% of the money he managed belongs to the ruling party (PLD), and will submit a power of attorney before the Supreme Court so that anyone can access his accounts and see who the electoral campaigns’ donors were.

Miguel Valerio said once in the preliminary trial it will be evident that the Justice Ministry’s financial team was wrong to attribute financial movements of over RD$35.0 billion to his client to Odebrecht’s bribes paid in exchange for contracts, because with the party’s accounts, these movements, don’t even reach RD$1.0 billion.

He said only RD$123.0 million (0.35% of the RD$35.0 billion) of the PLD were handled in Díaz Rúa’s bank accounts, but that 97% of his funds are from that political organization, which is why they requested an audit.

Interviewed on Hoy Mismo Channel 9, Valerio said the allegations against Diaz Rua will be rebuffed, “proof by proof.”

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