Local November 19, 2018 | 5:05 pm

One of the most outspoken Dominican journalists fears for his life

M. Zapete. File

Santo Domingo. – Outspoken journalist Marino Zapete denounced Mon. that his life is in danger, and that there’s a group that wants to kill him.

“My life is in danger, they want to kill me,” Zapete said today Monday to start his TV and radio program El Jarabe, on Teleradio América.

“I do not know if this is my last program,” he said.

He accused the ultranationalist group Antigua Orden Dominicana of the alleged plot and showed a video of the group -men dressed in black uniforms and hats-, threatening to kill those they consider “traitors to the fatherland.”

Marino affirmed that while in Santiago, the group voiced threats against him, including that he and his entire family had to be killed. “I was a traitor to the country, who had to be killed with my family, just because he was in a conversation with the Green March.”

The journalist added that he was informed by the heads of the National Department of Investigations (DNI), Sigfrido Pared, and of the National Police, Ney A. Bautista, that they had taken the necessary measures to protect him.

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