Local January 24, 2019 | 8:22 am

Dominican Republic will not recognize Maduro: top official

Better times: presidents N. Maduro. D. Medina.

New York.- Foreign minister Miguel Vargas on Wed. said that during the meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) today Thursday, the Dominican Republic will ratify its position and not recognize Nicolás Maduro’s government.

He said Dominican representative in the OAS, Gideon Santos was instructed to vote in accordance with the resolution of the body’s Permanent Council, which doesn’t recognize Maduro’s new mandate and calls for new elections.

The issued on January 10, reaffirmed that, only through a national dialogue with the participation of all political actors and other Venezuelan stakeholders, national reconciliation can be achieved and the necessary conditions to organize new elections “that truly reflects the will of Venezuelan citizens and peacefully resolves the current crisis in that country.”

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