Local May 6, 2019 | 4:22 pm

Truckers call off strike; bus owners plan ‘surprise’ walkouts

J. Hubieres

Santo Domingo.- Bus owners union (Fenatrano) boss Juan Hubieres on Mon. announced a series of demonstrations, including surprise walkouts of transport.

He said they’ll march to the National Palace to demand lower fuel prices by the Industry and Commerce Ministry, “every day until God tells us.”

He said they’ll fight the rising fuels prices and the “arbitrary” measures adopted by the National Traffic and Land Transport Institute (Intrant).

He said he agrees with the ban on bald tires, but called an abuse against tire importers and some motorists who risk a ticket for using tires that have an expired date, even if they are new. “The Intrant is interested only in living off of the fines imposed on drivers.”

Truckers suspend strike

The truckers union (Fenatrado) meanwhile on Mon. announced that it cancelled the walkout set for Tues., after having reached an agreement with the Intrant.

Fenatrado wants the regulator to be “more flexible with the disposition to prevent the circulation of vehicles with bald tires or with more than four years of manufacture.”

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