Danilo Medina sends optimistic message of solidarity to the Dominican people before the arrival of 2020

El Presidente Danilo Medina
Danilo expects 2020 to be a year of progress
President Danilo Medina intends for 2020 to be a year of progress in the areas of health, education, safety and in the creation of jobs.”I sincerely wish that we look with optimism on the near future that awaits us, so that we may advance in the achievement of personal and collective purposes aimed at the greater well-being of the population,” Medina said through his latest New Year message as president from the country.
He also asked for more union, harmony, respect, and solidarity in Dominican families and communities.
“We ask God to strengthen our faith in his divine protection and increase efforts to fight tirelessly for the common good and see our greatest desires realized,” Medina said.
He hopes that by 2020 the population can contribute all their efforts to reduce violence, so that coexistence and peace reign.
“God listen to our supplications and allow this end of the year to enjoy the holidays in moderation, without excesses and without endangering the life of any human being,” he said.
2020 “Year of the Consolidation of Food Security”
Yesterday, President Medina declared 2020 “Year of the Consolidation of Food Security,” through Decree 497-19.
The president urged public and private entities to collaborate in the implementation of initiatives that promote food security.
For this decree, the State cited the Constitution of the Republic in its article 54, the Organic Law of the National Development Strategy 2030, among other legal aspects.
President Danilo Medina added today that “the time is coming to greet the arrival of the year 2020, and that he wants to extend to the Dominican people the best wishes of confidence and hope in the achievements that will be achieved in the new decade going forward.”
The head of state made these statements in his traditional message on the occasion of ending the year 2019 and starting 2020, announced by the Government spokesman and Director General of Communication, Roberto Rodríguez Marchena, through his social network Twitter.
“In addition to strength, we need the new year to permeate us with an enthusiasm without limits, to continue moving towards the achievement of more union, harmony, respect, and solidarity in our families and communities.”
He also expressed his wishes that this 2020 be a year of great achievements that contribute to continuing to democratize Dominican society.
“In the name of my wife Candy, our daughters and my own, I send to our people a solidarity greeting, accompanied by the best wishes of peace and happiness.”
“God bless and guide our people. Happy Year 2020!” concluded the President.