Government suspends flights to Europe, China, Korea and Iran, among other measures for coronavirus

Gustavo Montalvo, Minister of the Presidency
The Dominican government will suspend this Monday, March 16 at 6:00 AM, for 30 days all flights from all countries in Europe, China, Korea, and Iran, as well as trips from the Dominican Republic to these destinations. As part of the new measures announced by the Minister of the Presidency, the disembarkation of all cruises in Dominican territory was also suspended.
The high-level meeting that tracks the spread of the coronavirus, chaired by the Prime Minister, Danilo Medina, also provided that all Dominican students who were outside the country and returned as a result of the suspension of teaching in those nations must remain in home isolation for 15 days after entering Dominican soil.
Montalvo urged the parents of these students to take precautions to guarantee compliance with this measure, and the neighbors to be vigilant. He added that all measures taken by the government are still preventive since so far all the cases detected are imported and there is no evidence of community circulation of the virus in the country.
Gustavo Montalvo recalled that the number of infected people in the Dominican Republic still remains at 11.
On his side, the public health minister denied that he said that the 800 scholarship students in Spain come to the country all together. He clarified that all these students could come, but that will depend on when they decide to do so.
Tomorrow’s elections
The Minister of the Presidency confirmed that all the conditions are in place in the country so that the population can go to vote calmly today.
“We invite all citizens to exercise their right to vote, freely and in an orderly manner, thus contributing to the strengthening of our democracy,” added the official.
All the sizes:
1. Starting at 6 am on Monday, March 16 for a month, flights from European countries, China, Korea, and Iran are suspended, as well as flights from the Dominican Republic to those countries.
2. Quarantine is established for passengers from other countries who have been in the last two weeks in any of the places for which the suspension of flights has been established.
3. The arrival of all cruises is immediately suspended, in all ports and coasts of the Dominican Republic.
4. All Dominican students who were outside the country and have returned as a result of the measures to suspend teaching taken abroad must remain in home isolation for 15 days after entering the country. Parents of such students should take the necessary precautions to ensure compliance with this measure, and neighbors should be vigilant about its compliance as well, or otherwise notify public health authorities.
5. Beginning, basic and intermediate level students studying in the Dominican Republic, but have visited a country where there is community circulation of the coronavirus, must remain in home isolation for 15 days from their arrival in the country. The Ministry of Education and the directors of the educational centers have the responsibility of complying with this measure, as do the parents of the students.
6. The same measure will be applied to university students and will be the responsibility of the Ministry of Higher Education and the rectors of the university centers for its due compliance.
7. All citizens who have been in any of the countries with a circulation of the virus must remain in home isolation for 15 days after their return.
8. Travel abroad is suspended for all officials of the Executive Power, until further orders.
9. We ask citizens to limit travel abroad as much as possible, making only those that are strictly necessary.
10. The doctors of the armed forces and the national police will assume control of the health protocol for access to the country, which includes taking the temperature and the health declaration of each passenger. In this way, the checkpoints in ports, airports and border posts will be reinforced, under the supervision of Public Health officials.