Local December 26, 2020 | 9:08 am

Abinader is America’s second best-approved president

Santo Domingo, DR.

The president of the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader, is considered the second most approved president of the American continent according to the ranking made by the company Real-Time Data Corp.

Abinader appears as second in the list with a 90% approval, only behind El Salvador’s president, Nayib Bukele, who has a 96% acceptance among the citizens of his country.

The Dominican president was the winner in the July 5 elections, obtaining 53.05 % of the votes and a 16 point advantage over Gonzalo Castillo, who admitted his defeat after receiving 37.33 % of the votes.

President Luis Abinader began his term of office on August 16.

Those who follow

Bukele and Abinader are followed by the president of Mexico, Andres Lopez Obrador, 64%, and the president of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, who has a 60% approval rating among his citizens.

Fifth place is held by Juan Hernández, President of Honduras, who has 54% approval, followed by Justin Turdeau, Prime Minister of Canada, and Mario Abdo Benítez of Paraguay, both with 50% approval.

According to the study, the list of heads of government who have a positive rating is followed by Luis Arce of Bolivia and Francisco Sagasti of Peru.

The worst

Lenin Montero, president of Ecuador, with 89% disapproval; Nicolás Maduro, of Venezuela, with 82% and Sebastían Piñera, president of Chile, with 76%.

Carlos Alvarado of Puerto Rico, has a 66 percent disapproval rating; Alejandro Gimmattei of Guatemala, with 61 percent.

Outgoing U.S. President Donald Trump has a 55% disapproval rating, while Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua has 54% and Alejandro Fernandez of Argentina has 53%.

The list is closed by Iván Duque, from Colombia, with an index of 52%, and Jair Bolsonaro, from Brazil, with 46%.

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