Local March 11, 2021 | 7:32 am

Odebrecht-Dominican Republic US$92.0 bribe trial resumes today

W. Camacho

Santo Domingo.- The trial against the six accused in the US$92 million Odebrecht bribes will be resumed today, and by the same judges who have led the process from the beginning.

However, the testimony of prosecution witness Julián Rojas will not be heard.

The trial had been suspended since March 1 of this year, when Anticorruption (Pepca) Prosecutor Wilson Camacho, challenged judges Tania Yunes and Jissel Naranjo for alleged partiality.

The request to recuse the judges came at the moment when the magistrates decided to exclude witness number 14 as requested by the defense. The ruling was handed down with the dissenting vote of court president Giselle Méndez.

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