Local April 1, 2021 | 10:09 am

Authorities sign an agreement for the transformation of two-wheeled transport

Santo Domingo.– With the aim of continuing to redesign the comprehensive system of public passenger transport in the Dominican Republic, the National Institute of Transit and Land Transport (Intrant) and the National Council for the Promotion and Support of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Promipyme) signed an inter-institutional agreement on Wednesday to promote the financing of electric motorcycles, as part of the National Electric Mobility Plan.

During the signing, Intrant director Rafael Arias, who specified that Law 63-17 categorizes the motoconcho as a means of transport, pointed out that with this pact will make possible the regularization process of that sector and stressed that “neither Promipyme nor Intrant will impose which motorcycle to choose”.

In that sense, he clarified that “we will only establish the capacity of the motorcycle for speed control purposes.”

In the same order, Promipyme director Porfirio Peralta announced the steps that those interested must exhaust to obtain the motorcycles: having a valid driver’s license, affiliation document of a federation or motor stop, license of Intrant certification, defensive driving course certificate and have 20 percent of the purchase price of the motorcycle.

In addition, applicants must be Dominicans of legal age and have a copy of the identity card, quote to purchase the motorcycle, review and analysis of the PROMIPYME application, disbursement of the loan, payment receipt of 20 percent of the value of the motorcycle, among others requirements.

The agreement seeks to provide solutions to the current situation of public passenger transport in the country, which demands a comprehensive and modern system that guarantees mobility and accessibility to its users and contributes to reducing environmental pollution.

For these reasons, both institutions support the implementation of the Two-Wheel Transportation Transformation Program, which will begin with a pilot plan at various motorcycle taxi stops, located in different districts of Greater Santo Domingo.

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