Local April 29, 2021 | 4:38 pm

The US offers support to the Dominican Republic to recover stolen goods from the State

Santo Domingo, DR

The United States is interested in working on legislative efforts to create a system of extinction of domain that would allow the Dominican government to recover the assets and wealth “that criminals and corrupt officials have stolen from the State.”

This was stated by Robert Thomas, chargé d’affaires of the U.S. Embassy in the Dominican Republic, at an event held yesterday at the National Palace in the presence of President Luis Abinader.

“We look forward to working with you in advancing legislative efforts to create an extinction of domain system that will allow your government to recover the assets and wealth that criminals and corrupt officials have stolen from the State and the Dominican people,” said the high-level U.S. government official.

A major achievement
“I know this is a priority of yours and after several failed attempts in the past we believe that the passage of this legislation could be an important achievement for the Dominican people and we will support your government’s efforts to develop this important tool,” Thomas said.

The U.S. government said it looked forward to discussing ways in which it could work with the Chamber of Accounts to enhance its role as an independent oversight entity, a function it described as “fundamental to transparent and democratic societies.”

He adds, “Your government has taken an important step toward that goal with the historic achievement of a transparent selection process (of the Chamber of Accounts).”

It also notes that the United States also looks forward to “supporting additional reform efforts that will help achieve the objectives of the new members of the leadership of this important mechanism.”

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