Health May 24, 2021 | 1:32 pm

Reappearance of the virus forces two ministries to resume teleworking from homes

Public institutions send staff to work at home.

Santo Domingo, DR

Given the increase in Covid-19 infections in Greater Santo Domingo and other country’s provinces, the Ministries of Education and Interior and Police decided to send employees over 65 years of age and with particular health conditions to their homes telework.

With the exponential increase of cases being reported, the Ministry of Public Administration will issue a communiqué today informing about the measures to be applied in all the entities of the governmental train.

The resurgence of the virus has been strongly felt in various public entities where entire departments have been reported infected by Covid-19, among these are the Deputy Attorney General’s Office for the Electrical System (PGASE), the National Institute for the Protection of Consumer Rights and the General Directorate of Customs (DGA).

Last Wednesday, the Ministry of Interior and Police issued circular 031/2021 notifying that by instructions of the minister and to reduce the risks of contagion of its collaborators, the attendance of the personnel would be reduced to 50% and instructed to telework to employees over 65 years of age, pregnant women and those suffering from high-risk diseases.

In this circular, it is also recommended that the personnel not move from their work areas if it is not necessary and to the area supervisors to establish mechanisms so that the personnel who are not required to attend work remotely report the fulfillment of their assignments.

The same measure was taken by the Ministry of Education effective this Monday, May 24, instructing vice ministers, directors, managers, and supervisors of departments to establish work strategies for the personnel who will be teleworking.

Bed occupancy.
88% of the ICU beds in hospitals were occupied yesterday, with the availability of only 16 beds, as well as 70% of those installed in clinics, for an overall occupancy of 79%, according to a report by journalist Doris Pantaleón.

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