Local June 18, 2021 | 4:07 pm

Public Health alerts about possible outbreaks of diseases due to the rains

Faced with the downpours that occurred since the early hours of this Friday in much of the national territory, the Ministry of Health called on the population to take preventive measures to avoid epidemic outbreaks of diseases such as dengueleptospirosis, acute diarrheal disease (ADD) and acute respiratory conditions, including influenza, which tend to increase in the rainy season.

In this sense, Public Health indicates that due to the threat posed by floods for the appearance of diseases that can be contracted by vector transmission, consumption of contaminated water, and by contact with animal excrement, it recommends washing vegetables, fruits, and kitchen utensils well. The kitchen and avoid bathing in downpours.

In addition, make drinking water drinkable, especially if it is from unknown sources, and turn it into safe water, including applying five drops of chlorine per gallon, especially when storing the liquid can also boil the water wash the utensils well.

“With the health situation due to COVID-19 , it is more necessary to wash hands with enough water and soap, after going to the bathroom or latrine, before eating, handling food and also after changing babies’ diapers,” says a note sent to the press.

Also, use tissues when sneezing, keep food in a safe place. Before opening them, wash the cans of food, do not consume canned food with expired dates, and take oral serum if they have diarrhea. These measures will help prevent cholera, leptospirosis, and other diseases.

The governing institution of Health indicates that, directly, the Provincial and Health Areas Directorates, DPS/DAS make inter-institutional coordination to maintain hygiene and cleanliness in the shelters if necessary to drive displaced people.

It also urges the population to be prepared and collaborate by applying the guidelines of the National Meteorology Office (Onamet) and the Emergency Operations Center ( COE ).

Suppose you have fever or malaise such as headache, stomach pain, diarrhea, and other symptoms. In that case, the recommendation is to go immediately to the nearest health because these are adequately stocked with supplies, equipment, and drugs needed to face any eventuality.

Likewise, it urges to take exclusive care for risk groups such as pregnant women, the elderly, boys and girls, people with chronic diseases and mental health disorders.

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