Local September 1, 2021 | 4:12 pm

Disability and lack of registration in children is a serious problem

The activity that took place in the Las Cariátides room of the National Palace.

Santo Domingo, DR

The first advance of the survey “ENHOGAR MICS 2019” presented on Tuesday by the National Statistics Office (ONE) and the support of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) revealed that 10% of the child population of the Dominican Republic has some motor or psychological disability.

As presented in the activity held in the Las Cariátides room of the National Palace, 20% of those children were not attending or receiving any educational training when the survey was conducted in 2019.

The study reports that one of the most persistent problems in the country is registering children.

In the results shown by the questionnaires applied in 2019, the birth of 8% of children aged five years or younger was not registered.

They knew the process.
The critical fact is that these were not made due to the mother’s ignorance, since 68% of those parents did know what the process was to register the birth of their child.

The progress of the investigation does not indicate why they did not register the births of their children.

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