Local September 6, 2021 | 1:39 pm

Reward for information about person(s) responsible for throwing “devil’s acid” at Yanelis Arias

Yanelis Arias.

More than 260,000 pesos are offered as a reward for whoever has information about the person responsible for throwing the devil’s acid on young Yannelis Arias, who lost her life due to the aftermath of this attack that surprised her in her own home when she went out to receive some flowers, a method used to camouflage the deadly event.

The jurist Felix Portes informed through his social networks that they are offering a reward of RD$100 thousand to whoever offers useful information about the incident in which the young woman died after remaining hospitalized for several weeks due to the serious damages caused by an unknown person, who threw acid of the devil on her.

“We offer a reward of $RD100,000.00 for information that helps the arrest of the material and intellectual author of the horrendous crime against Yanelis Arias in Tenares who was a victim of acid of the devil and left 2 children orphaned!” said Portes.

Two weeks ago, a man pretended to be a messenger of a flower shop, threw the substance at the victim, and fled immediately.

Arias was taken to the Burn Unit of the Ney Arias Lora hospital in Santo Domingo due to the seriousness of her injuries.

According to the details, she had just arrived from the United States, where she resided, when she received a call from a man with the information that flowers had been sent to her.

So far, the authorities have not been able to find the person responsible for the crime.

Cause of death

Dr. Eddy Bruno, director of the Pearl Fort Burn Unit that operates at the Ney Arias Lora Traumatology Hospital in Santo Domingo Norte, said Friday that young Yanelis Arias may have died from septic shock or pulmonary thromboembolism.

“Those are the most frequent causes (in these cases), but all that is speculative until we have an autopsy result,” Dr. Bruno said preliminarily.

Septic shock is a severe condition when an infection throughout the body leads to dangerously low blood pressure. At the same time, pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) clogs part of the pulmonary arterial territory (blood vessels that carry oxygen-poor blood from the heart to the lungs to oxygenate it).

The parts of her body affected by the deadly chemical were her face, upper extremities (hands and arms), and anterior trunk (the entire area of her breasts and abdomen).

Arias’ lifeless body was taken to the National Institute of Forensic Sciences (Inacif) for autopsy purposes.

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