Yesterday there was a notable drop in people in vaccination centers

A considerable decrease of people at the vaccination centers in the National District occurred yesterday, which some people in charge attributed to the large influx of citizens who went to those places during the previous days and after resolution 0048 of the Ministry of Public Health, which obliges the presentation of the immunization card to enter public places.
However, the PCR testing post, established by the Ministry of Public Health at the headquarters of the Dominican Sports Museum, the Juan Pablo Duarte Olympic Center, was attended by a large number of people, including children and adolescents.
This post is attended by people with symptoms of the pandemic and by students under 17 years of age accompanied by adults.
Dr. Angela Castillo, responsible for the vaccination site at the Downtown Center, said that between 400 and 500 people had visited this place in search of immunization. However, yesterday the attendance decreased concerning previous days.
Castillo said most of them sought vaccination against covid-19 for the first time, although others also came for the second and third doses.
Dr. Wendy Rodriguez, from the Maria Montez Metro station, at kilometer 9 of the Duarte highway, reported that the immunization process is still high, although yesterday there was a slight decrease.
She reveals that in this facility, they regularly immunize up to 1,000 people per day, primarily first dose, around 80 percent, with a significant presence of young people between 18 and 35 years old.
For the first time
Gabriel Féliz Portes, from the immunization center of the National University Pedro Henríquez Ureña (Unphu), points out that every day about 300 people had been coming in, mainly in search of the first dose, motivated by the coercion of Public Health which obliges to carry the vaccination card.
Yesterday, a considerable decrease was observed in the presence of people seeking vaccination at Unphu after days of great affluence.
In the early hours of yesterday, the vaccination center at the Juan Pablo Duarte Olympic Center, one of the most visited in the capital, saw a drastic decrease in visitors.
The immunization point at the Juan Pablo Duarte Metro station had a reduced number of people yesterday, less than on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
Meanwhile, in commercial plazas and the Metro Teleférico Integrated System, there was compliance with the coercive resolution 0048 of the Ministry of Public Health, which obliges showing the vaccination card to enter public places.
In urban transportation, this cumbersome and pointless measure is mainly ignored.
We truly support the vaccination program as a measue to prevent serious health issue or death. Even though, mandatory vaccination resolution is not in compliance with our constitution, health is the most valuable human right.
Who told you is not in compliance with the constitution? LEY general de salud article 64 – All vaccinations are mandarory if orderend by the goverment. – Go and read it –