Economy November 13, 2021 | 9:09 am

Buy car in DR

Ministry of Industry and Commerce increases LPG by RD $ 5 and regular gasoline by RD $ 3.50

Santo Domingo, DR.

For the week of November 13 to 19, 2021, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Mipymes (MICM) ordered increases in the prices of regular gasoline, regular diesel, and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG).

It also announced that regular gasoline, optimum diesel, and natural gas would maintain their prices.

Premium gasoline will be sold at RD$272.80, maintaining its price, while regular gasoline presents an increase of RD$3.50 for RD$256.30. Optimum diesel will cost RD$218.70, keeping its price, and regular diesel will be sold at RD$196.40, for an increase of RD$4.50.

Likewise, Liquefied Petroleum Gas will present an increase of RD$5, which places its price at RD$139.10 per gallon.

Natural gas will maintain its price at RD$28.97 per gallon.

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