Local December 22, 2021 | 11:49 am

How much does the Christmas dinner cost? Expert answers

The director of the National Observatory for Consumer Protection (Onpeco), Altagracia Paulino, revealed today the current prices of the leading products for Christmas dinner in Dominican homes.

She explained that several products would suffer higher demand this week, such as pork, for example, so she suggested buying it today because, by Thursday 23, its price will go up significantly.

“A suggestion to people who want pork: That they buy it today because it is at 350 pesos approximately, but tomorrow it will go to 500 pesos because of the demand for the product,” he explained during an interview with the television program “Uno más Uno”.

Dinner: Christmas Eve’s star dishes

Paulino mentioned that he interviewed five families of five people to check the prices of the current basket.

She recommended the black bean moor, pointing out that these legumes are at very low and accessible prices for all families and cheaper than pigeon peas.

She described as “very expensive” the price of fruits, especially apples, which Paulino commented, “I do not understand why they are so expensive if you want fruits you will have to ask for a quarter of them.”

The director indicated that it is necessary to review and check the prices in different supermarkets in the country because pork leg is sold at 75 pesos in some stores and 95 pesos in others.

Paulino said that the cost of a Christmas dinner for a traditional family of five people is estimated between 3,000 to 3,500 pesos approximately. However, she added that if the spread is for ten people, the cost will escalate from 5,000 to 5,500 pesos.

The consumer protection director concluded by emphasizing that, despite the delivery of the Christmas bonus cards, Dominican families will have to face a “costly Christmas dinner” and that “2 or 3 Christmas cards will be needed to have a decent meal.”

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