Health December 22, 2021 | 3:09 pm

They report 241 new cases of COVID in the DR; 102 more than yesterday

Like the previous three, this Wednesday’s bulletin does not report deaths.


Today, the Ministry of Public Health reports 241 new COVID-19 positives in the Dominican Republic, 102 cases more than the number reported yesterday.

Today’s bulletin, for the fourth consecutive day, contains no deaths.

The 241 new coronavirus infections were detected in 6,830 tests, of which 815 were PCR and 6,015 antigen tests.

A total of 5,614 people were tested to confirm whether they were infected and 1,216 to find out if they still had active viruses.

The daily positivity rate is 4.29, and the cumulative rate is 4.53 percent.

Today, 1,527 people have the active disease, also up from data provided in the last four bulletins, which maintained a decline to fall below 1,300.

Since March 1, 2019, 412,263 people have been infected in the country, of whom 4,223 died.

Today’s Wednesday bulletin from the Ministry of Public Health reports 247 people admitted for COVID-19, and the number in serious situations remains at 90. With ventilators, there are 69 patients, two less than those reported yesterday.

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