Health December 29, 2021 | 12:05 pm

Influenza and Omicron: Public Health reveals similarities between the two

The Minister of Public Health, Daniel Rivera, revealed today what similarities the variant of covid-1 9, ómicron, and the influenza virus share. He also explained what the symptoms are and how to identify them.

“We are facing a new variant such as omicron, which has very characteristic signs and symptoms. This ranges from malaise, tiredness, muscle aches, headaches and fever. It even looks a lot like influenza in that sense,” Dr. Rivera explained during an interview with the “Juan TH en la Z” program of the “Z 101” station.

He mentioned that the influenza virus is currently causing more symptoms and respiratory complications than omicron.

He indicated that influenza causes more significant respiratory problems but is less lethal and harmful than any variant of covid-19.

Rivera pointed out that this new variant is highly contagious compared to previous COVID-19 variants but produces minor damage to the respiratory tract.

Explains the obligatory nature of the third dose

The minister also explained that the entire population must apply the third dose of the vaccine to control the spread of omicron.

“When I get the third dose, 7 days after application, the basal antibodies increase 40 times more for response to any coronavirus,” he said.

He reiterated the need to combat the imminent expansion of the omicron variant and protect the elderly and vulnerable from possible contagion.

It is recalled that the Ministry of Public Health provided that from January 31, 2022, it will be mandatory for people over 18 years of age to present the vaccination card with the third dose of the vaccine against covid-19 and recommended the mixed application.

As long as people who by January 31 have not completed the main vaccination schedule of three doses, they will have to present a negative PCR test within no more than seven days of having performed it, establishes resolution number 00069 issued after a meeting of the Health Cabinet, headed by Vice President Raquel Peña.

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John Conor
December 29, 2021 2:20 pm

A virus so deadly that you have to be tested to know if you have it
A government so lovely that they willing to let you die from hunger to protect you from the virus
A vaccine so good that they give it for free to the entire population
A vaccine so effective that you have to take 4, 5, 6 times
A pandemic so obvious that it has to be helped with a 24/7 propaganda to remind you there’s one
A virus we’ve never seen before but the symptoms are the same as the common cold

The vaccine protects those who took it so well that they are the ones ending up sick and they have to punish the unvaccinated because nothing happens to them…

Michael P. Mahone
December 30, 2021 5:31 am

The new Coronavirus

Michael P. Mahone
December 30, 2021 5:33 am

In vacnation of new cov19

Mark D
January 2, 2022 6:23 am

The symptoms are so minor to the Omnicron that you cannot even tell you are sick, you need to get tested to advise you are sick. Sounds to me like time to get back to work, get back to play, enjoy life, stop letting these politicians steal your life.