Health February 12, 2022 | 11:33 am

ADP supports vaccination of children between 5 and 11 years of age

The ADP summoned the teachers to participate in the day.

Santo Domingo, DR
The National Executive Committee of the Dominican Association of Teachers (ADP) supported the vaccination process against Covid-19 aimed at children between 5 and 11 years of age announced by the Ministry of Public Health, with the consent of parents, to begin next Monday 14 in the educational centers of the country.

The ADP is calling on its 155 branches throughout the country to join in the work to support the vaccination process.

The National Executive Committee of the ADP notes as convenient that the authorities of the Ministry of Public Health consult and take into account during the beginning and development of the vaccination process for children in the country, the recommendations made or may be made by the guilds and specialized societies of the health sector, both nationally and internationally.

Finally, the ADP, as part of the technical table of follow-up to Covid-19 in the country, reiterates its commitment to join efforts and wills alongside the other sectors of the country that implement actions to stop and dilute this terrible pandemic that causes death, mourning, and pain in Dominican families and the world.

The ADP and the Ministry of Education agreed last January 18 to work together on the conditions for face-to-face teaching in schools in the face of the pandemic.

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John Conor
February 12, 2022 11:45 am

You can’t find anyone in a position of power opposing the covid protocols, you literally can’t!
No one will take a stand to protect you and your children, no one, they are all in this together…

Last edited 2 years ago by John Conor