Local March 2, 2022 | 9:09 am

Abinader retires 11 more generals; this time Police

Santo Domingo.- President Luis Abinader, ordered this Tuesday night by decree the honorable retirement of 11 Brigadier Generals of the National Police.

Among the retired officers are Neivis Pérez Sánchez, who served as deputy director of the Police, and Teresa Martínez Hernández, the first woman to occupy the deputy directorate and currently served as area director of the Women’s Protection Unit of the Institution.

Through decree 102-22 dated March 1 and released almost at midnight this Tuesday.

While the others promoted to major generals of the National Police and retired from that institution, with a pension, are: Juan Antonio Pilarte Féliz, Francisco Romer López, Valentín A. Rosado Vicioso, César Augusto Sena Rojas, Ludwing Miguel Suardí Correa, Mario E. Objío Morales, Boris C. Goico Campagna and José Delio Mora Reynoso.

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