Dominican deputies receive the first study on human trafficking

Santo Domingo.- The permanent commissions of Human Rights, Justice Ministry, Human Development and Interior and Police of the Chamber of Deputies received this Monday the presentation of the first study of human trafficking carried out in eleven municipalities of the country.
The report highlights that during the COVID-19 crisis, several factors increased the vulnerability of some people, mainly women and girls, due to limitations in access to public services, job loss and/or reduced working hours.
Also, it shows many coincidences between the different municipalities, presenting in all of them the different forms of trafficking in persons (sexual exploitation, forced labor, forced begging, domestic servitude) and cases of internal trafficking, external trafficking and of migrant persons.
Just wondering if this study was performed by independent unbiased examiners or by politically connected persons.
that is the problem with the press or politicians… they let you know what they want to let you know