Local April 22, 2022 | 11:55 am

Chamber of Accounts: “Irregularities” in CESTUR and POLITUR exceed RD$2 million

Chamber of Accounts informs about irregularities in CESTUR and/or POLITUR.

Other aspects that, according to the Chamber of Accounts, are “irregularities” after the investigation carried out by the Central Directorate of the Tourism Police (POLITUR) and/or the Specialized Body for Tourist Security (CESTUR) , is the payment of RD$414,951,600 in alleged food rations. The total exceeds RD$2 billion.

“Disbursements for food rations without evidence of supporting documents, for an amount of RD$414,951,000,” details the document.

Via Resolution No. AUD-X-2022-002, the State auditing body presents other alleged irregularities from January 1, 2010, to May 31, 2021, through unregistered checks; delivery of baskets; checks without stamps, and invoices not canceled, among other details.

In the same order, the “Delivery of baskets without acknowledgment of receipt, for an amount of RD$14,979,967.”

Similarly, “Inconsistencies in the classification and recording of expenses, for an amount of RD$4,637,842; Purchasing processes from suppliers with suspended RNC and Invoice with invalid tax receipt number, for an amount of RD$3,713,861 ”.

Also, the “Disbursements through unregistered checks and without identification of the affected accounting accounts, for an amount of RD$6,376,406 ; Disbursements through checks without stamps from the Internal Audit Unit (UAI) , for an amount of RD$6,376,406 and Invoices not canceled with a paid stamp, for an amount of RD$24,323,668 ”.

Likewise, the “Purchase processes that do not comply with transparency and publicity amounting to RD$14,677,095 ; Purchasing processes from suppliers with activities other than the services they offer and lacking commercial registration, for an amount of RD$9,826,103 ; Purchasing processes from suppliers with suspended RNC ”.

Headquarters of the Chamber of Accounts of the Dominican Republic.


It should be noted that this report prepared by the Chamber of Accounts would have already been sent to the Specialized Attorney for the Persecution of Administrative Corruption (PEPCA), as part of the investigations carried out against those accused in the Coral 5G case.

Said investigation covers the period of the administration of General Juan Carlos Torres Robiou, at the head of CESTUR and POLITUR, while he is serving a coercive measure as accused of administrative corruption in the Coral 5G case.

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