Local May 3, 2022 | 4:10 pm

Troops Deployed to the border in the face of kidnapping of diplomat in Haiti

Three helicopters, two from the Dominican Air Force and one from the Army, were transferred to Jimaní and remain at the heliport of that border city.

Jimani, DR

A large and unusual military deployment is observed at this point on the border with Haiti, after the kidnapping of Carlos Guillén Tatis, agricultural adviser to the Dominican embassy in Port-au-Prince.

Guillén Tatis, according to Dominican authorities, would be in the hands of the fearsome Haitian gang 400 Maowozo, kidnapped by the criminal group that operates outside the law, when the diplomat was traveling from the neighboring country to the Dominican Republic, being kidnapped in the Croix-des-Bouquets area, last Friday, the closest point to Port-au-Prince, the Haitian capital.

In this area of ​​the border, helicopter flights, movements in assault vehicles, a high military presence and an increase in security levels are observed, as part of the actions carried out in this area after the kidnapping of the adviser to the diplomatic legation. at Haiti.

alleged kidnapping

The Haitian gang 400 Maowozo demands US$500,000.00 to free Guillén Tatis, information that security authorities of the Dominican State neither confirm nor deny. 

Last Sunday, an immediate investigation into the abduction of the diplomat was requested from the Haitian Foreign Ministry and to achieve his release in the shortest time possible.

In addition, the Dominican government demands that the Haitian authorities respond to the country with the “safe and sound” release of the diplomat, who is protected by articles 25 and 26 of the 1961 Vienna Convention.

So far there is no information other than what has been reported in the media so far, that last Friday around noon the counselor of the Dominican embassy in Haiti, would have been kidnapped in the area of ​​Croix-des- Bouquets, while on his way to the city of Jimaní.

Military and helicopters

It is observed, in addition to the extensive military deployment, that in the “Mal Paso” area, both in the military barracks and in the facilities of the Interagency Post, as well as the Juan Pablo Duarte headquarters of the Specialized Corps of Land Border Security (Cesfront) and the Nineteenth Company of the Army of the Dominican Republic (ERD) are occupied by soldiers who, according to information, would go into action depending on the circumstances, for an eventual rescue.

While three helicopters are at the Army heliport, in this city of Jimaní, two of which belong to the Dominican Air Force (FAD) and a third to the ERD.

Research Request

The embassy of the Dominican Republic in Haiti asked the Haitian Foreign Ministry on Sunday that the authorities of their country order an immediate investigation for the “safe and sound” release of Guillén Tatis, who apparently had been kidnapped last Friday.

In a communication addressed to the Haitian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Dominican ambassador in Port-au-Prince, Faruk Miguel Castillo, specified that last Friday around noon the counselor Guillén Tatis would have been kidnapped in the Croix-des-Bouquets area, while he was on his way to to the city of Jimani.

Ambassador Castillo reported that he was formulating the investigation request in compliance with instructions from the Dominican government, given by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Álvarez.

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May 3, 2022 5:38 pm

Why does the RD have an embassy in Haiti – its a failed State?

My Name Is Not Important
May 3, 2022 7:57 pm
Reply to  nicholas

One word: Diplomacy.

Also, I hope the DR government actually send the UCT-MIDE, knock down the gang members, and rescue the diplomat.

Ramon Garcia
May 4, 2022 12:05 am

Diplomacy with who?

Dave Lopes
May 4, 2022 1:36 am

lol..lol yeah

Alberto martinez
May 3, 2022 9:22 pm

What a failed state, they cant behave like human

Ramon Garcia
May 4, 2022 12:03 am

I suppose the deployment of the military is just to prevent gang violence at the border. Other than that it serve no purpose.