Local August 23, 2022 | 1:30 pm

INABIE has paid more than RD$246 million for food delivery during the pandemic

Raw food during Covid-19 pandemic

The current Executive Directorate of the National Institute of Student Welfare (INABIE) has paid RD$246, 944,291.04 to suppliers who distributed raw food kits during the covid-19 pandemic, related to the bidding process INABIE-CCC-LPN-2019-0001, which also covered 2020.

This amount corresponds to the payment of 140 suppliers representing 86% of the releases generated from this process.

In this sense, the files processed amount to 301, of which 161 are in process, equivalent to RD$295,578,238.65.

Raw food during the Covid-19 pandemic
To honor these payments, whose debts were generated during the years 2020 and 2021, the current administration has made extraordinary efforts to solve this issue in view of the fact that there were multiple incidences and audits had to be carried out.

INABIE urges suppliers to sign addenda to continue payments
INABIE encourages the suppliers who have not yet signed the corresponding additions to approach the institution as soon as possible to finalize the payments of the raw food kits that were distributed in past administrations.

At present, there is a list of 49 suppliers who have not executed these signatures despite the efforts made by the institution to contact them via e-mail and telephone.

Payments continue
The institution also informed that it continues to make payments for the recently concluded school year with the objective that by September 2022, the files that are complete and have no incidents will be paid in full.

The Executive Directorate, headed by Victor Castro, reiterated its commitment to the transparent actions and audits that must be carried out to continue making payments to the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises that have provided their services for the benefit of the students.

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Paul Tierney
August 24, 2022 9:08 am

It is a lot of money.

Just wonder there is no mention of how “audits” are done. It would be considered reasonable for government to inspect and check the quantity and quality of food kits delivered vs quantity declared to government. It is understandable there are not enough government agents to review the undertakings. There has to be a way to make this activity improve to a better degree.