Local September 12, 2022 | 9:06 am

Strong epithets against decree prohibiting Claude Joseph’s entry here

Claude Joseph is barred from entering the country.

Santo Domingo, DR
Putting aside their political differences with former Haitian Foreign Minister Claude Joseph, politicians and former legislators of Haiti have closed ranks in his defense, with a chain attack against the presidential decree that prohibits the entry into the country of the controversial former minister, resorting to such strong adjectives as “repugnant,” “affront,” “harmful,” “hate,” “intolerable.”

It was Yuri Latortue, the former senator of the Haitian Artibonite, author of the qualified “repugnant” and “an affront” to the measure of President Luis Abinader that closed the entrance to Joseph, fierce author of a line of attacks to the country, who claims to be the protector of his fellow countrymen, of whom he says they are discriminated and mistreated here.

In the same line of repudiation of the executive’s measure, other figures of Haiti’s political and legislative branches have joined, among them some with marked political divergences with the former foreign minister. In an interview with the newspaper le Nouvellistic, the former parliamentarian said that the decree is “repugnant” and that “we cannot accept that Claude Joseph’s name is on this list along with those of gang leaders.”

Indeed, Latortue called on his government to correct this situation “as soon as possible.” And former congressman Abel Descollines considers that the government should not remain indifferent to the decision of the Dominican State, alleging that this “may contribute to tarnish the image and reputation of Haiti.”

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Paul Tierney
September 12, 2022 9:38 am

Politics !!!

Alberto martinez
September 12, 2022 9:58 am

Who cares what they think? I mean look at Haiti that place is unlivable not even the haitian diaspora go visit again theres nothing over there, 11 million uneducated extremely poor, very poor soil in 70% of the arable land, haitian have always protested agaisnt all their president they never had a real leadership they even killed their founding father Desalines. Theres not 1 benefit from any country who invades haiti thats why Dominicans have never looked to that part of the island is doomed just like Cuba is they both love vodou and summon dead spirits.

Fidel castro and Haiti should have never happened in the caribbean.

Ramon Garcia
September 12, 2022 10:57 am

The president of the Duartiano institute, Wilson Wilson Gomez, welcome yesterday president Luis Abinader’s decision to prohibit the entry in to the country of the former Haiti’s ministry of Claude Joseph and and 12 other armed gangs leaders. He said in a note that Claude Joseph assumed a disrespectful and hostile behavior against the Dominican Republic, a country that contributes so much to Haiti, beyond its means, compromising its budget and part of the well being of many poor families. Funds that are exhausted by thousands of Haitians stablished illegally in parts of the island. Consider this a strategy to support his political aspiration in Haiti’s political scenery, using the Dominican Republic as a springboard with insults that reveal his resounding failures as a prime minister and his lack of suitability to occupy any other public function of transcendence.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ramon Garcia