Health September 13, 2022 | 8:13 am

Public Health warns about depression and suicides in the country

The suicide rate in the DR is 6.5 per 100,000 inhabitants.

Santo Domingo, DR.
Suicides can occur impulsively in moments of crisis, and in the Dominican Republic, the rate currently registered is 6.5 per 100 thousand inhabitants.

This was revealed yesterday by Alejandro Uribe, director of the Mental Health Department of the Ministry of Public Health, who called on the Dominican population to be attentive to the signs of depression that a family member or any person in the environment where they live may present.

She said that the most common feelings that affect patients are sadness, guilt, shame, frustration, hopelessness, and anomie, which is the disintegration or isolation from society.

He added that when such behavior is observed, the silence should be broken, and support should be provided to people who may be going through emotional situations that endanger their integrity and life.

Psychiatrist Uribe made the statement yesterday during an event commemorating the “World Suicide Prevention Day” on September 10.

He pointed out that after a situation of catastrophe or calamity in humanity, such as pandemics, or wars, among other situations, there tends to be an increase in suicide cases and not precisely during the crisis.

He said that the Ministry of Public Health continues to develop strategies to prevent deaths and ensure the welfare of citizens and urged to be attentive to a series of acts and expressions that should alert the family about parasuicidal behavior and actions of injuries that cause death.

Uribe considered that the issue of suicide is complex and, therefore, prevention activities require the coordination and collaboration of multiple sectors of society, including health, education, labor, agriculture, commerce, justice, law, defense, politics, churches, sports clubs, and the media.

In this regard, Yocastia de Jesús, director of the Vice-Ministry of Collective Health, said that “we have to commemorate this day to understand that this is one of the most worrying issues, that each life represents a member in the family and each one has a value no matter what led to this unfortunate event,” she said.

Likewise, Carmen Martinez, representing the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), said that this tragedy seriously affects families and communities; the number exceeds 700 thousand per year. Studies indicate that among the most common causes of suicide are: passion issues, health difficulties, economic problems, mental health, and unknown causes.

Warning signs or signs of suicidal behaviors include behavioral changes or emotional ups and downs, constant sleep or insomnia, anxiety, depression, self-destructive behaviors, and changes in eating habits, among others, considering that these behaviors also have a considerable impact on the health of minors.



Uribe said that the helplines are the National Emergency System 9-1-1, which is available 24 hours a day, and the Mental Health Department of the Ministry of Health (809) 544-4223 during working hours.

Other options.

Likewise, psychiatrist Uribe referred to the Alam Cabrera Foundation (809) 740-5339, Psychology and Psychiatry Helpline *462, among other institutions that promote and propose healthy lifestyles.

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Paul Tierney
September 13, 2022 9:20 am

Help is neede in these areas.

Last edited 1 year ago by Paul Tierney
September 13, 2022 5:59 pm

If you can work on phycology in their empty pockets ,then problem is resolved…This sick people walking naked around Bavaro in broad daylight cant pick up the phone…because they have nowhere to put it…!!!…Stop imitating americans…!!!