Health December 3, 2022 | 10:04 am

Some 270,561 have received the fourth dose of Covid vaccine.

Health authorities insist on vaccination.

Santo Domingo
Of the 475,000 doses of influenza vaccine acquired by the State to be given free of charge to high-risk groups, 194,568 people have been vaccinated to date, revealed the director of Immunopreventable by Vaccines, Dr. Lucia Vargas.

Dr. Lucia Vargas said that this vaccine is available in 428 authorized posts. They can also receive the vaccine against Covid-19 to complete their schedules and better protect them against the new circulating subvariants.

She explained that up to mid-week, 16,132,440 COVID-19 vaccines had been applied in the population, corresponding to the first dose, 7,295,993; to the second, 6,065,999; to the third 2, 499,887 and the fourth dose 270, 561 doses.

The director of Immunoprevenibles said that 901,255 people only received the first dose and did not receive the second dose, and that of those who received the double dose, 2,861,622 have not yet received the third dose, for which she urged to complete the scheme.

He urged the population to continue with the vaccination process to be immunized and reduce the effects that may be caused by the different variants that are circulating, which arise due to the non-immunization of the population.

He reminded that the program has 428 vaccinations against Covid and that the country has the Pfizer vaccine for children from 12 to 17 years old and the Sinovac vaccine for children from 5 to 11 years old.

Vargas reminded that the country has availability of the yellow fever vaccine, which is a requirement requested by countries where the disease is endemic, and that 10 thousand new doses are expected to be distributed in the different posts and centers established and to increase the capacity.

In turn, the Vice-Minister of Collective Health, Dr. Eladio Pérez, informed that, during the National Vaccination Day against Rabies, directed by the Center for Prevention and Control of Diseases Transmissible by Vectors and Zoonosis, a total of 162,315 animals were immunized, of which 126,353 were dogs, and 35,962 were cats, to establish an epidemiological blockade to reduce the risks of spreading the virus that causes this disease.

The day will be extended for a few more weeks, so they called on the population to bring their pets to be vaccinated to the provincial health directorates.

Testing posts

The deputy minister of Collective Health of the Ministry of Public Health said that the demand for laboratory tests to diagnose Covid-19 has increased in public and private centers and that the country has sufficient supplies.

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