Local December 12, 2022 | 10:00 am

Resident kills assailant in the Espaillat expansion

“That’s what you get, thief, you got sent to hell,” yelled a resident of the Espaillat expansion sector, where a man was killed while attempting to rob the Alexandra Compraventa on Albert Thomas avenue. The 28-year-old deceased was identified as Luis David Luciano Garcia, who intended to flee with one of his robbery accomplices before being shot several times by an unidentified individual.

According to witnesses, when Garcia collapsed, one of those who committed the crime with him “went back” to retrieve the stolen items from the pawnshop, leaving the young man lying on the pavement. Herison Ramirez, the business’s security guard, said that several unscrupulous individuals entered the premises around 10:00 a.m., pointed their guns at him, and hit him on the head. Similarly, Ramirez stated that he was stripped of his service weapon as well as his identity documents.

“They took my documents and the shotgun, pointed a gun at me, threw me to the ground, and I couldn’t see anyone…” “When they throw you to the ground, you don’t see anything,” Ramirez explained, adding that he was with other people working in the area at the time. People were tense and concerned about what had occurred. A casing was also discovered at the scene and was kept by the police for further investigation.

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