29 bus passengers from the Dominican Republic were kidnapped in Haiti

Source: External
At least 29 people aboard a bus traveling from the Dominican Republic were kidnapped in Haiti’s Croix-des-Bouquets district. According to the Haitian newspaper “Le Nouvelliste,” the kidnapping occurred yesterday, Wednesday, January 18.
During the kidnapping, the outlet confirmed that nine of the 37 passengers on the bus escaped from the scene. So far it is unknown if the people have been released. The news will be updated as more information is available.
Oh thanks Haitians for being so kind to us Dominicans. But when they crossed to our side , We Dominicans got to treat them with respect, like giving them jobs, health care , schooling, etc .
Kidnapping your neighbors is not a good way to make friends.
It says a bus from DR, it does not say the nationality of those kidnapped. More than likely, they were all Haitians and therefore no business of DR.
In the meantime Canada listens to the elite Haitians who say ‘ mind your own business USA & other countries wanting to take stronger action. . These so-called elite ‘politicos’ are wealthy and have all they need. I say put the ordinary citizens first – those without food, water, safety, gas, money etc and live in fear.
Canada’s Trudeau (prime minister) is not someone we should trust.
It’s only certain politicos and some very vocal leftists who do not want international help with security or some kind int’l force to combat the powerful gangs. They know it would stop their efforts to gain power without winning an election. They don’t care about Haiti ot it’s people. The vast majority of Haitians would warmly welcome international help.
Who is going to save these vaccinated often drunk Dominicans? W.H.O?
Oh, look Dominicans are nice to Haitians. So the fact they kidnapped the people who give them everything they have right now… is insane. I’m so upset and disgusted.