Local February 2, 2023 | 1:01 pm

DEA agents arrest a man linked to a drug cartel operating in the United States

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) arrested a man in Mao, Valverde province, who was allegedly linked to a drug trafficking cartel operating in the United States. Gabriel Vargas, also known as “El Gaby,” was apprehended by US authorities and agents from the National Drug Control Directorate (DNCD) Wednesday afternoon in the Mao Los Cambrones sector. According to reports, Vargas was wanted by US authorities for his involvement in the “Los Laredos” Cartel, which operates out of several New York states. He is credited with being one of the leaders of a conspiracy involving 1,500 kilos of suspected heroin.

The prisoner is said to have been seven years old when he escaped from American territory to Dominican soil after removing the electronic shackle that the authorities had placed on him for monitoring purposes. Gabriel Vargas will be transferred to the United States state of Philadelphia in the coming hours. Dalvin Vargas, alias “El Patrón de Monción,” Gabriel Vargas’s brother, was apprehended by DEA agents on August 28, 2022, while participating in a cockfight at the Puerto Plata Coliseum.

Dalvin Vargas was extradited to the state of Pennsylvania to face charges in various cases that he presumably had with US authorities.


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February 2, 2023 3:50 pm

“The prisoner is said to have been seven years old when he escaped from American territory to Dominican soil after removing the electronic shackle” Wow! At 7 years old. Think someone has this wrong.

February 2, 2023 5:12 pm
Reply to  Adrian

it was a “typo”… bit of confusion…hiding the truth…and many other things contributed to this article…