Local February 9, 2023 | 10:00 am

Big bureaucracy would run center for illegal immigrants

The Law on Human Trafficking, Exploitation, and Smuggling of Migrants would establish a national and international inter-institutional bureaucracy comprised of at least 17 State ministries and civil and military entities. In other words, an Inter-Institutional Commission to Combat Trafficking in Persons and the Smuggling of Migrants (CITIM) would be established to address these crimes and develop public policies for prevention, prosecution, protection, and collaboration. This body would consist of a president, a plenary session, a technical secretariat, executive management, the Unit for the Identification, Attention, and Protection of Victims, Survivors, and Witnesses of Person Trafficking; special technical subcommittees, committees, tables or provincial liaisons, and working groups.

The legislation establishes that the CITIM Plenary will be made up of the heads or representatives with voice and vote of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Public Ministry, the Ministry of Women, and a representative of the Judiciary appointed by the Supreme Court of Justice. In addition, the General Directorate of Migration, the National Council for Children and Adolescents, the direction of the National Police, the Army of the Dominican Republic, and the Ministries of Labor, Tourism, Interior and Police, and Education.

Other organizations that make it up are the National Institute of Migration, the Dominican Republic Navy, the Specialized Land Border Security Corps (Cesfront), and the National Health Service (SNS).

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Paul Tierney
February 10, 2023 11:38 am

This would be another wasteful bureaucracy, a poor unworkable sancocho of 17 self-important entities that will add a sour flavor to its operation, a taste that will hide the mischief of the chefs. Less is more.