Local February 18, 2023 | 11:06 am

Esmeralda Richiez’s father did not know John Kelly Martínez

La Altagracia, DR
The father of the teenager Esmeralda Richiez said that the teacher John Kelly Martinez, the main accused in the minor’s death, had never been to his house and that he met him the night he left his daughter in the apartment.

“I never saw him, the only time I saw him was that night when he came to bring my daughter and I opened the door was and they say all is with the teacher of us and I said ‘ah well then’,” said Eligio Richiez Castillo after the postponement of the hearing of knowledge of measure of coercion against Martinez.

He also said that the night when the teacher and her classmates went to pick up Esmeralda, he was at church and that if he had been at home, he would not have allowed his daughter to go out. He also stated that the teacher deceived them because they never went to the caballitos as he had told his wife, but to the beach.

“The teacher told my wife that he was going for a little ride to the horses with more friends from the center where she was studying, I was at church that night, that if I had been there I would not have let her go out, because I was not letting my daughter go out at night anywhere,” Richiez indicated.

Inacif’s version

The National Institute of Forensic Sciences (Inacif) established, preliminarily, that the death of Esmeralda Richiez Martínez was due to a “vaginal tear with severe internal hemorrhage and hemorrhagic shock.”

As a result of the autopsy, Inacif cataloged the death of the 16-year-old teenager as a violent death of undetermined cause, based on the studies performed so far and pending the results of the toxicological studies.

This conjecture was presented taking into account the circumstances surrounding the event, the death in a disorderly, violent scenario, and the presence of injuries in various parts of the body.

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